Today on June 21, 2023, at approximately however late it is, I launched this website ( With this being my first ever post here, I want to set the expectations for both you and myself on what you can expect to find here. This place will be a home for whatever I want to share. Content will mainly revolve around fun stories I have related to technology and/or my life, documentation of past, current, and future projects that I have, as well as whatever else I want to share.
It will be fairly laidback here, as this also acts as a meditative activity for me, keeping this place updated as I reflect back on what’s been going on in my life. I doubt that I will be posting to/updating this place frequently. But whenever I get a break from the hustle-and-bustle of life, I may just share something new.
In setting this place up, I want to share my first few thoughts here. You can find what I have to say down below. That’s it for now. Thank you for visiting. I wish you the best. -al
It’s a strange thing to get up one morning and say, “Hey! I want to expose myself to everyone online!”. With todays use of technology, it’s already a given that a lot of information about who I am is already out there for all to see.
While I’m no celebrity with a dedicated Wikipedia page, I have a name that, when searched for, gives back a lot of details about who I am, what I do, etc. I do my best to not expose so much about myself online. I like the idea of keeping my privacy, both online and offline. The information you can find about me, via a simple web search, are things that I’m fine with you knowing. Some of the first few results you can find about me include my LinkedIn, Instagram, and project posts I’ve made back in Highschool.
However, all of these places are made to fulfill a specific niche. There are things that I want to share with the world that don’t quite fit the category of business stuff for LinkedIn, or fun posts on Instagram. Nor do I want to post things on my Highschool’s website (which may or may not be still up.) I have and will have many stories I want to tell. I did not have a place where I could share these stories. So, I decided that I would make a place for me to house and share them with everyone like you.
The story of how and why I decided to start my own website can be seen in a post following this one. I just have yet to write it. Once it is written, you can find it here.
That’s all from me. A short simple post to kick things off. I have plenty of ideas for the future so come back again to see how much this place has grown. -al